Our People Series: Speaking with Siew Hui.

People are the most important part of any organization. They will ultimately determine the success or failure of any businesses thus giving them the right tools to succeed is paramount. Dutch Colony is where we are today owing to the positive contributions of our People, be it those who have left us or currently present. To honour the, we begin this series.
In our second 'Our People Series: Speaking with ______________', we spoke to our Apprentice Coffee Roaster & Training Support, Siew Hui.

Tell us briefly about what you do now in Dutch Colony and how long have you been in the company?
I have been with the company for six (6) months now. I'm an apprentice coffee roaster and a training support for DCC😁
Is this current position a promotion and what was the position you started with (if this is a promotion) and how long did you get to your current position?
I would say that the position I'm currently holding is an upgrade for myself in terms of learning as compared to my previous position. Being at the front of house churning out food and drinks for the consumers for years, I got curious of what goes behind the scenes especially roasting of coffees.
What do you like about working here?
Being given lots of opportunities, working together with the team, learn, unlearn and relearn from the experts within the team 😘
Your favourite coffee in DCC and method of preparation?
I do not have any favourites when it comes to coffee 😅 I drink anything that is palatable, any coffees with 'Wow' factors are always a plus point 😊 I go for spros in the morning and filter in the afternoon, flights when I go for QC rounds to our retail outlets 😊
What is specialty coffee to you?
Not just coffees scoring 80 points and above, but also the whole process from the farm to the cup. Also, something that got me realise that this is something I want to do for living, something that makes me want to learn more about it.
What is something many do not know of you? (Can be coffee related or not.)
I love languages. I speak English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Bahasa. And I'm half Indonesian!
Where do you see yourself 5 years from today in the company?
I see myself growing with the company and I see myself travelling around the globe for coffee. I mean, coffee brings you to places, right?
Thank you Siew Hui and we look forward to be tasting all of your roast in time to come. Onwards with Dutch!
Thank you for having me on this edition of Our People Series! Now I need to get back to roasting some beans.

Note: Article content is provided by Siew Hui and edited by Suhaimie Sukiman for clarity and length of article.