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Preparing and enjoying a great cup of coffee is a pleasure, and few things as simple as brewing coffee provide such rich rewards. Brewing coffee is a lot like cooking with fresh produce: Start with the best, freshest ingredients, take care to do it well, and you will create something astonishingly delicious.

Metal Coffee Filters
Biggest Pores
Metal plates, metal baskets or metal filters with holes that allow coffee to leave the brewing chamber while holding back most of the particles in the coffee grounds. This method allows most fine and very fine particles to pass through along will all the colloids – large, undissolved molecules suspended in the solution, producing a beverage with more body. Cleaning metal filters isn’t the easiest thing, but they can last a lifetime (or two) if you take care of them, which means zero paper waste.

Paper Coffee Filters
Tiniest Pores
Paper filters have the ability to retain very fine particles, producing the clearest beverage. It also provides some resistance to the flow of the beverage out of the basket. Paper filters also tends to absorb coffee oils, resulting in a lighter-bodied coffee. Paper filters may transfer a “paper taste” to the beverage and must be rinsed before use. Cleaning up on paper filters are extremely easy. You simply drop the entire filter, coffee grounds included, into the trash or compost. While it’s convenient, it also produces paper waste - and a lot of it.

Cloth Coffee Filters
Moderate Pores
These filters can be made from natural cotton, hemp or muslin fabric. These filters will allow some fines through, which results in a small amount of coffee fines in the final cup which results in a clean yet slightly heavier cup. Cloth coffee filters are a good middle ground flavor-wise between paper and cloth, but they’re difficult to maintain. If you decide to go with cloth filters, you’ll need to make sure you wash them very well between brews and don’t let them dry out too much or stay too moist.
Ground Courseness

Coffee to Water Ratio
Pour-Overs & Presses: 1:14
Syphon: 16g : 2 Cups
Cold Brew (Coffee : Water : Ice): 1:5:5
Water Temperature
90°C – 94°C
*Preheat all cups and apparatus for hot brews.
Grind Size Index
V60 – 4.5
Aeropress / Chemex – 5
Woodneck – 5.5
Syphon – 6
French Press / Cold Brew – 8