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Dutch Colony Coffee Co.
127 Defu Lane 10 #02-03
Singapore 539234
T +65-6281-0710
127 Defu Lane 10 #02-03
Singapore 539234
T +65-6281-0710
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SCA Coffee Skills Program
The Coffee Skills Program (CSP) consists of six different modules: Introduction to Coffee, which is available at one level, and five specialist modules; Barista Skills, Brewing, Green Coffee, Roasting and Sensory Skills,
Each of the specialist modules is available at three different levels, with points attached at every stage. You may choose the modules that fit your interests and needs. Once you have achieved 100 points, you will be awarded the SCA Coffee Skills Diploma.
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SCA Coffee Skills Program: Introduction to Coffee
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SCA Coffee Skills Program: Barista Skills - Foundation